The mission of the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association (PLIA) is to monitor and act upon environmental and safety issues that affect Pawtuckaway Lake, picture1to educate the public on the conservation, protection, and improvement of  water quality, natural shoreline, wildlife habitat, recreational resources, safety, and natural resources as they pertain to the welfare and interests of Pawtuckaway Lake.  To that end, the PLIA collaborates with conservation commissions, planning boards, state and federal entities, land trusts and other conservation organizations working to conserve or protect natural resources that have an impact on the Lamprey River watershed that includes Pawtuckaway Lake.  We invite you to explore these pages, become informed about our organization, come visit and enjoy our “little piece of paradise”, become a PLIA member, and consider joining our dedicated volunteers to help us achieve our mission.  You’ll be in good company!


Follow Us on Facebook! Just click on the logo.


How to Keep Our NH Lakes Safe From Aquatic Invasive Species



  • Before your watercraft enters a waterbody, inspect it to ensure there are no invasive “hitchhikers”.





The PLIA Celebrates Its Volunteers

Recently a cookout was held to recognize the contributions of the PLIA’s many volunteers and to thank them for their service. Read more here…



What’s that Green Stuff Floating on the Lake?

It could be cyanobacteria. If you want to know how to spot and report a suspected bloom, read here…



Paddle Poker Tournament Recap

The weather was perfect, spirits were high, and fun was had by all. A wonderful fund raiser and a successful tournament. Read more here…



State Announces Fall Lake Drawdown

You can read more here…



Fifth Annual Paddle Poker Tournament

Don’t miss out on the fun! There is still time to register and the weather looks fine for Saturday. For more details, click here…



PLIA Boat Parade 2024 Style

This year’s Boat Parade enjoyed perfect weather and enthusiastic participation! You can see more here…



Recap of PLIA Annual Meeting

Recently about 120 people attended the PLIA’s Annual Meeting, this year under sunny and welcoming skies. Read more here…



Save a Loon – Fish Lead Free!

Lead tackle is deadly to loons. Read why and how you can help these iconic birds in New Hampshire here



Aquatic Plants and Animals in and Around Pawtuckaway

Recently the PLIA was lucky to have an expert provide a Zoom presentation on invasive species in the lake. You can  watch it yourself here



PawPrints is Here!

The PLIA’s annual spring newsletter has been mailed, and you can read it online here…




Campfires and Bonfires Around the Lake

Many people are not familiar with rules governing campfires, so here’s the word straight from the Nottingham Fire department. Read about it here…




Recap of February 14 Meeting with State Park Officials

The Nottingham Planning Board hosted an informational meeting with State Park Officials to hear their updated plans for Pawtuckaway State Park improvements. Read about it here



Volunteers Rock!

On a recent rainy Sunday, the PLIA held a cookout to honor and thank its many volunteers. Read more here…



Introducing Zeffy

The PLIA will be using a new payment method for online membership donations. It’s called Zeffy, is easy to use, and is a zero-fee platform, so 100% of your donation will benefit our organization. Read more about it here…



Update on Pawtuckaway State Park Expansion

Stakeholders expressed their grave concerns about the State’s plan to expand the State Park, and their voices were heard! Recently the NH Division of State Parks made a decision NOT to pursue the construction of 35 new RV campsites with electric and water hookups. Read more here...




Local Scout Troop to Train Divers to Search for Milfoil

BSA Scout Troop 167, headed by Scout leader Dan DeButts and with the help of PLIA Weed Control Diver Jamie Burleigh, have started a dive club with a mission. Read about it here…



Fourth of July Parade of Boats

There was no shortage of spirit and creativity for the PLIA’s Annual Boat Parade  celebrating our nation’s birthday. Read more about it here…



Recap of Annual Meeting and Video of Speaker

On June 3, 2023, a record 200 people attended the PLIA’s Annual Meeting at the State Park Pavilion. Amy Smagula from NH DES gave an informative speech about the current milfoil situation on Pawtuckaway Lake and the crowd peppered her with questions. You can watch the video and read more here…


Letter Writing Campaign About Pawtuckaway State Park Expansion


The PLIA has taken a position with respect to the current proposal to expand Pawtuckaway State Park campgrounds. We believe that the design, as proposed, can be modified and still achieve the State’s goal while responding to concerns about the health and safety of the lake. You can read more about our letter writing campaign here…



Annual Meeting is Right Around the Corner!

The PLIA is holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 3, 2023, starting at an earlier time – 9:00 AM! It will be held at the State Park Pavilion and all are welcome to attend. Entrance to the Park is free; just say you are with the PLIA. Read more about it here…



PawPrints Newsletter Has Been Published

The PLIA has mailed out the print version of its annual newsletter, PawPrints. Read more here.



Nottingham Beach Clean Up

On April 15, 2023, the Town of Nottingham held a community-wide clean up day. PLIA volunteers signed up to tackle the Town beach again as they did last year. You can see photos and read more, here…



Full House for Invasive Species Training

It was standing room only on April 1st for a training on recognition and prevention of aquatic invasive species at the Nottingham Town offices. Read more here….



Zoom Meeting About State Park Expansion

Recently the PLIA was able to arrange a Zoom meeting with State Park Officials about the planned expansion of Pawtuckaway State Park. To read more on the subject and watch videos of the meeting, click here…



Milfoil Status Report Presented to the Nottingham Board of Selectmen

Milfoil Team Chair Neil Santos addressed the Nottingham Board of Selectmen at one of its recent meetings. His message was about the growing threat to Pawtuckaway Lake posed by the invasion of Variable Milfoil in many parts of the lake. To find out more and read the report, click here…



Volunteer Recognition Cookout

The PLIA gave three cheers for our volunteers recently at the State Park Pavilion, where invitees gathered to be celebrated for their dedication to the mission of the PLIA. For more, click here….



Paddle Poker Tournament

Over 50 paddlers and players enjoyed themselves at the Third Annual Paddle Poker Fundraiser. In case you missed it or just want to enjoy a recap, click here…



Fourth of July Boat Parade

Did you miss it? Were you so busy spraying with your water cannons that you were distracted from the view? Or do you simply want to see all the boats in their splendid decorations again? You can see them all here…



Annual Meeting –  It Was a Triumph!

It’s fair to say that there was something for everyone at the PLIA’s Annual Meeting. You can read more and enjoy photos of the event here…



Lake Hosting – All You Need to Know

Don’t worry if you missed the April 3 training or the ‘How to Lake Host’ webinar. All the materials you need to get started are available and easily accessible online. To learn more, read here…



Now You Can Read PawPrints in Living Color Online!

The print version of our newsletter has been mailed out, and now it’s also available in an electronic version. You can read it here…




Nottingham Town Clean Up Day  at the Beach

On April 16, 2022, a crew of volunteers from the PLIA took on the daunting challenge of restoring the Town beach to a clean, sandy expanse of shoreline. You can read more here….






Community Volunteer Training Workshops

Recently, the PLIA brought in its experts to offer instruction on aquatic invasive species to all members of the Nottingham community. You can read all about it here…








Cornhole On the Ice Canceled

The Committee planning the PLIA’s First Annual Cornhole Tournament is heartbroken to announce that the event had to be canceled for the season. Mother Nature simply refused to cooperate and kept placing obstacles in the path of a safe and successful gathering to celebrate winter on Pawtuckaway. Too much snow; too little snow; weather extremes that could not be overcome.

However, it was clear that people were excited about the Tournament. Registrations quickly filled enrollment to capacity! When the first postponement was announced, many asked that their places be held for the rescheduled date. That means Cornhole on the Ice will be back next winter!

Plus, there are ideas swirling around for more family events to be held throughout 2022. Your suggestions are welcome as we plan activities for the rest of the year. Thanks to all whose interest in the Cornhole Tournament kept enthusiasm and spirits high. And stay tuned for more fun on the lake!





Cornhole Tournament Postponed

Bad weather considerations have prompted the cancellation of the First Annual Cornhole on the Ice Tournament, but it has already been rescheduled! Read more…









First Annual Cornhole Tournament!

Register now for an afternoon of fun and games on Pawtuckaway Lake. You can sign up individually or as a team, and there will be a prize for the best team name! Read more here…







PLIA Volunteers Rocked the Cookout!

On September 26, the PLIA celebrated its volunteers at a cookout held in the State Park Pavilion. You can read about all the fun here




Did You Forget to Renew Your PLIA Membership or Would You Like to Join?

Now, it’s easier than ever to do online. Read more here…





Fall Drawdown of the Lake is Announced

Soon it will be time to start thinking about the end of boating season on Pawtuckaway. You can read details about the Dam Bureau’s plans to start lowering the lake here…









There is Still Time to Sign Up for Paddle Poker

Don’t Worry; it’s not too late! We have extended the deadline for registration and you can still buy tickets. Bring friends, family, neighbors as we fill the lake with paddlers! You will not want to miss out on the fun. For more details, read here…







Paddle Poker Tournament is Back!

We are happy to announce that the Second Annual Paddle Poker Benefit Tournament has been scheduled. In addition to kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards, row boats and other non-motorized craft are welcome. You can read all about it, and how to buy you tickets now before they are sold out, here…




Recap of Annual Meeting

If you were unable to attend the PLIA’s Annual Meeting on August 7, you can check out all the fun here…





Announcement About Annual Meeting!

In case you missed the flyer that was recently mailed out, here it is again! Just click on this link. We hope you can join us to celebrate your membership in the PLIA or come to find out what we are all about!











Fourth of July Boat Parade – a Great Success

Despite having to be postponed a day because of rainy weather, the Boat Parade on the 5th of July was a fun and imaginative celebration of our nation’s birthday! You can see photos of the “floats” in our Photo Gallery here.











Boat Parade Time is Almost Here

The Fourth of July will be here before you know it. Everything you need to know about the boat parade can be found here




PawPrints in Color

Now you can read our spring newsletter in an electronic version, in full color. Read more here…





Weed Watcher Training and Slide Presentation

On Saturday, April 10, 2021, at 12:30 PM, there will be a Weed Watcher training via Zoom for new and veteran Weed Watchers.  You can view the slideshow, find out how to link to the training, and read more here…




WARNING:  Zebra Mussels in Aquariums!

zebra mussel is seen in a moss ball

If you own an aquarium, you may have invasive hitchhikers and not even know it. Read more…






New Milfoil Team Equipment

The PLIA is pleased to announce the acquisition of new equipment to enhance our Milfoil Team’s ability to more effectively and efficiently search for and eradicate milfoil plants. Read more…






Lamprey River Advisory Committee Grant

The PLIA has a new side scan sonar device to search for milfoil in the lake, thanks to a grant from the Lamprey River Advisory Committee. Our Milfoil Team Captain has produced an impressive report about the use of side scan sonar to search for milfoil. Read more…





Is the Ice on the Lake Safe Yet?

As a public safety announcement, we are reposting this advisory about ice on the lake and when it is prudent to test it. Read more…






Our Website Has a New Photo Gallery

Dollof Dam during the 1985 drawdown

Our collection of photos from when the lake was drawn down really low is now available to view in its own separate Photo Gallery on this website. Read more…






PLIA is now on Instagram

The Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association now has an Instagram account, Read  more

State Announces Fall Drawdown

NH DES has published its list of fall lake drawdowns. Read more..







PLIA Volunteers Declare Victory Over Roadside Trash

As part of New Hampshire’s Clean and Scenic Highway Program, PLIA volunteers fanned out along a stretch of Route 156 Sunday morning to pick up roadside trash. Read more…






Recap of Annual PLIA Meeting

Did you miss the Annual Meeting on July 25th? It was held as a video conference and we are happy to say the videos are available for you to view at your convenience. To see them, click here…






PLIA Annual Meeting This Saturday, July 25th at 9:30 AM!

If you are wondering what the PLIA is and what it does, please join us for our Annual Meeting, to be conducted on Zoom.  Read more…





It’s Almost Time for the Fourth of July Boat Parade

Every year, to celebrate our nation’s birthday, the PLIA sponsors a boat parade around Pawtuckaway lake on July 4th. All are welcome to join in! Read more….





Our Spring Newsletter  PawPrints is Out!

This year our newsletter focuses on aquatic invasive species, since Variable Milfoil is still a major threat to our lake.

You can also find out about our Annual Meeting, with more details to be published as we draw nearer the date. Read more here...





PayPal is Now an Easy Way to Join, Contribute, or Renew Your Membership

Membership donations are the primary means of support for the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association. The Programs described on these pages and all other activities of our organization depend on the generosity of our members and donors. In this electronic age, we want to make it simple for you to support our work, and PayPal offers that option. You can read more about Membership and learn about the different ways you can help our mission to keep Pawtuckaway clean and healthy. Recreational opportunities, wildlife diversity, and the beauty of natural resources are worth preserving!

New Guide to Milfoil on Pawtuckaway Lake

Our Milfoil Management Program has grown in size and strength since its inception in 2016. For that reason, we decided it merits its own expanded page. Check it out here… In addition, Neil Santos, Chair of our Milfoil Management Program, has written a history and explanation of the problem of variable milfoil in Pawtuckaway Lake. It includes what steps the PLIA is taking to rid the lake of this weed and what people should know about how best to support these efforts and help contain it. We recommend you take a look at this informative and helpful guide here…



Mud Season in the Time of Social Distancing

As long as you have to stay at home, you might as well do some yard work! For some tips from NH LAKES on how to clean up winter storm damage and keep our lake safe and healthy, read here…



PLIA Membership Stickers for 2020 Are Out!

You can get your beautiful PLIA stickers by joining or renewing your membership now! Read more…..






You Can Support the PLIA Whenever you Shop at Amazon Smile!


Learn how easy it is to make regular donations–at no cost–to the PLIA whenever you shop. When you buy anything through Amazon Smile, Amazon donates!  Read more…


2019 Resource Booklet is Now Available

As a service to visitors, campers, vacationers, and residents on Pawtuckaway Lake, the PLIA has put together a “Welcome Booklet” designed to introduce our organization to the public and describe the opportunities that Pawuckaway offers to all. The last such Booklet was published in 2015. It was time for an update!

In this Booklet you will find a history of the PLIA, a description of its current Programs, information about Pawtuckaway Lake, some guidelines for enjoying and protecting the lake and its natural resources, and many references to other organizations or government agencies that team with us to keep the lake healthy and safe. We hope you will patronize the businesses that have sponsored this publication, and that you will become a member of the PLIA.

You’ll find it on the Menu bar and you can also click here to read it. Welcome to Pawtuckaway Lake!







Slide Show on Aquatic Invasive Species

Spring is finally here and the growing season for invasives is here, too! There is an informative presentation that Amy Smagula, of NH DES, prepared specifically for Pawtuckaway Lake. NOW is the perfect time to take another look at it or check it out if you haven’t already seen it. Click here…







Now There’s an Easier Way to View Our Photos

Our three photo galleries–Wildlife, Boat Parade, and Scenic–can now be viewed as slide shows! That enables you to look at and enjoy each separate photo, enlarged and uncrowded by all the other ones on the page. Each gallery page has simple instructions on how to start watching, how to advance to the next photo, or how to choose one to view by itself. We have added three buttons to this Home page, each of which will take you to a different photo gallery with one click. Scroll down below to find them. Enjoy! And remember, we are happy to post photos taken by any of you Pawtuckaway Lake lovers out there! Just email us at  Info@PawtuckawayLake.com with an attachment of your photo. After all, that’s where our photos came from in the first place!

Photo Galleries

Boat Parade Photos Scenic Photos Wildlife Photos