(No Fires on Islands in the Lake!)
There is nothing more fun than gathering around a campfire to roast marshmallows or warming your face and hands before a roaring bonfire. The Nottingham Fire Department would like to ask you about some important safety regulations before you start:
Did you know?
- You cannot light a fire before 5:00 PM unless it is a small container fire
- You must have a fire burning permit to have a fire
- You should call the Fire Department before kindling your fire to check conditions
- It is altogether illegal to light a fire on the frozen lake
These rules have been developed over time to set standards for the safe enjoyment of fires, whether for recreation or disposing of small brush and yard debris.
PLIA member Mary Colvard recently interviewed Nottingham Fire Department deputies and discovered a wealth of information that is worth passing along. Many people are in fact unaware of these regulations. Thanks for the heads up, Mary!
First, a permit to kindle a fire is always needed except when the area within a 100-foot radius from the edge of the fire is covered with at least an inch of snow or other frozen precipitation to prevent the combustion of woodland fuels.
Second, you can obtain a permit at the Nottingham Fire Station (free) or complete one online ($6.00) at NHFirePermit.com. When applying, you will need to indicate what category fire you want the permit for.
Third, there are three categories of fires and permits:
- Category I: small, controlled fire such as a camp or cooking fire no greater
than 2 feet in diameter. It needs to be contained within a ring of fire-resistant material or a portable fireplace and located at least 25 feet from structures. Fire conditions permitting, a Category I fire can be kindled with a permit any time of day.
Category II: controlled fire no larger than 4 feet in diameter contained within a ring of fire-resistant material or a portable fireplace and located at least 50 feet from structures. These fires may be kindled with a permit only between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. unless it is actually raining. If the rain stops, the fire must be extinguished. (Category I and II permits are seasonal and expire on December 31st.)
- Category III: any other fire that is not a Category I or II or a fire greater than 4 feet
in diameter or not contained within a ring of fire-resistant material and located at least 50 feet from any structures. These fires may be kindled with a permit only between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. unless it is actually raining. (Category III permits may be issued for up to 7 days.)
That’s a lot to remember, so here’s a summary:
Permit Type | Daytime Burn Between
9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. |
Nighttime Burn Between
5:00 p.m. & 9:00 a.m. |
Category I (seasonal) | YES | YES |
Category II (seasonal) | Only when raining | YES |
Category III (For up to 7 days) | Only when raining | YES |
Fourth, you cannot leave the fire until it is completely extinguished. A buried fire is not considered extinguished.
Finally, at no time can you burn trash, or treated, painted, stained, or manufactured wood. No brush, lumber, logs, or any other combustible material larger than 5 inches in diameter is permitted to be burned. Construction or demolition materials cannot be burned.
Got that? If not, rest assured that your Fire Department will answer any questions you may have. Just remember to call to make sure you are not planning a fire when dry or windy conditions make it illegal*, and to ascertain what kind of permit is required. If no one answers, leave a message with your name, location, and time of fire. Otherwise, a fire truck may pay a call to your property or the location of your fire. Our Fire Department wants us to be safe and they are willing to answer your questions and advise you about fire safety. Visit their website: https://www.nottingham-nh.gov/fire-rescue
*You can also obtain the daily fire danger rating by calling the Division of Forests and Lands wildfire information line (toll free): 1-866-NH-FIRES (866-643-4737) or go to https://www.nh.gov/nhdfl/community/daily-fire-danger.htm. And it’s posted as a “gauge” on the front wall of the Nottingham Fire Department.
So, come on, baby, light that fire – safely!