There is information about our Annual Meeting this year as well, and we promise more details as the time nears.
Meanwhile, you can read the color version of PawPrints by clicking here.
Stay safe, keep social distancing and, See You on the Lake!
We have a camp on Pawtuckaway (Seaman’s Point Rd). We are looking to buy a used paddleboat, preferably on the lake so that we don’t have to transport it. If you have one stuck in the weeds that the kids no longer use, please text me 508-314-6453. We had one last September but it was either taken by aliens, stolen, or blew away. In that regard, if you found one it might be ours! Thanks, Mike
Hi, Mike; This is a website and so your query is unlikely to get much notice. Have you considered posting something on the PLIA facebook page or the Pawtuckaway Lake Lovers facebook page?