Invasive Aquatic Plants and Animals in and Around Pawtuckaway

Recently the PLIA arranged for an expert on invasive species in NH lakes to give a presentation on the topic. It was aired on Zoom and we captured a recording so that everyone can access it at a time convenient for them.

Amy Smagula, Chief Limnologist at NH DES, created a slide show to address the kinds of invasive weeds commonly found in New Hampshire lakes. This was designed to train people interested in becoming Weed Watchers on our lake, or any other NH lake, for that matter.

You are invited to watch the video here:
Passcode: PLIA03290!

If that doesn’t suit your time frame, you can view the slides here:  Either way, we are lucky to have the expertise and kind assistance of a teacher like Amy!

Anyone can spend some time enjoying a paddle around the lake while incidentally being on the lookout for invasive plants or animals. This work is actually fun! To find out how you can help search for these pests in and around Pawtuckaway, contact our Weed Watcher Co-Chair, Steve Soreff:

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