Stewards of the Lake – Supporters of the PLIA

The PLIA Annual Meeting held at the Pawtuckaway State Park Pavilion on June 11 attracted a crowd of over 80 people. The weather was fine, spirits were high, and attention was focused on issues of importance to wildlife and recreation on the lake.

The featured speaker, Krystal Costa Balanoff of NH LAKES, addressed the gathering on the topic of making shoreline properties lake friendly. She stressed the harm caused by runoff of polluted water into the lake and ways to mitigate such damage through landscaping and other practices. NH LAKES offers a program called LakeSmart designed to help property owners assess conditions on their property, suggesting methods to improve their land and its impact on the health of adjacent water. The program is free of charge and completely confidential. To learn more, click here.

Reports on the PLIA’s programs were given, updating members on the status of various issues related to the lake and its community.

A fundraising effort initiated by one of our youngest members was also introduced.

The annual Local Hero award was presented to Jamie Burleigh for his tireless work and countless volunteer hours extracting milfoil from the lake with his diving partner Sarah Patey. Neil detailed the efforts of this exceptional team of volunteer divers over the past several years, starting as early as April with ice still on the lake until October amid the lake drawdown. Because she could not be present at the meeting, Sarah was presented with her award at the home of Milfoil Team Chair Neil Santos. Thank you, Sarah and Jamie!

Folks who attended the Annual Meeting came away with a fresh sense of enthusiasm for the work of the PLIA and their part in that work as supporters and volunteers. Below are photos of this wonderful crowd! See you on the lake!



PLIA Tackles Nottingham Town Beach Clean Up

Beach grass before clean up

On April 16, 2022, a crew of PLIA members volunteered to take on the Town beach as a service project for Nottingham Clean Up Day. They brought their tools, rolled up their sleeves, and got  to work on reversing the neglect of five years without maintenance. From 8:00 – 11:30 AM on April 16th, volunteers wielded picks, hoes, rakes, saws, loppers, and wheelbarrows in an effort to reclaim the sand that had been taken over by grass and bushes.

It turned out to be a more challenging task than anyone had anticipated. The grass had roots that were holding together a lot of soil on top of the underlying sand. The bushes had roots that were long and tough and resistant to being pulled up.

One observant worker noticed the layering of soil and sand under the grass. The top part was darker brown and clearly the product of decomposing plant matter over a number of years, while the sand beneath remained a lighter inorganic shade. Very dramatic! However, it made the group’s job clearer – remove as much organic matter as possible and expose the sand to the surface rays of the sun. Backbreaking but rewarding work.

As for the bushes, well, they often required a reciprocating saw to trim their branches and a lopper to tame their roots. Thank goodness for the wheelbarrow to transport the discarded plant matter into the woods where its decomposition would benefit the trees and wildlife.

All in all, a successful morning amidst beautiful scenery. Fresh air, a breeze to blow away the bugs, good company, plenty of exercise. And Pawtuckaway Lake looks good from every angle!

Now, so does the Town beach!



On April 3, 2022, at the Town of Nottingham Community Center, the PLIA held an Aquatic Invasive Species Training. They called in experts and tapped their Program Chairs to offer free Community Workshops to anyone in Nottingham interested in protecting a local water body from invasive species. For those who were unable to attend or attendees who wish to review some of the materials presented, there are links in the article below to each Power Point presentation.

First: Member Therese Thompson provided instruction on identifying aquatic invasive species in or around a lake or pond. Her lecture was very comprehensive, covering both native and non-native plants. It included pointers on how to recognize and distinguish between both, which can sometime be a difficult challenge. She highlighted the invasive plants that have been found in and around Pawtuckaway. In particular,  she urges everyone to pay special attention to the last slide in her show, that has links to resources to help with identifications:  Aquatic Invasives


Next: Lake Host Coordinator Dee Decker explained NH LAKES’ Lake Host Program and the PLIA’s participation in it. Her presentation included instruction on inspecting boats and trailers to detect invasive “hitchhikers” before they enter a water body, plus how to clean, drain, and dry watercraft to avoid the spread of these invaders. When the gathering moved outside, Lake Host Manager Mary Hervey assisted Dee to demonstrate actual boat and trailer inspection protocols. They also offered advice about courtesy, efficiency, and education when talking to boaters about these inspections:  Lake Host

Then:  Milfoil Team Chair Neil Santos demonstrated how milfoil has spread  in Pawtuckaway Lake since 2015. He explained why a milfoil infestation is harmful and how his team searches for and removes this weed, one of the most pervasive of the invasives. He reminded people to contact him, Dee Decker, or Steve Soreff if they saw a suspicious growth so it could be located and identified. There are  two Power Point presentations that illustrate his talk: Milfoil Procedures and PLIA Milfoil Team

Finally: Chair Pete Wawrzonek introduced the PLIA’s Road Representative (or “Road Rep”) Program that enables residents and members to learn about the organization and its activities and encourages newcomers to join: Road Reps

Last but not Least: Attendees enjoyed a complimentary pizza lunch and a selection of free T-shirts to take home.

We have learned much over the years with our experience on Pawtuckaway and are happy to share it with the entire community.

Cornhole Tournament Has Been Postponed

CORNHOLE RESCHEDULED – Mother Nature has forced us to postpone our Tournament!

The organizers of the PLIA’s first Cornhole Tournament on the Ice have been watching the weather forecasts and have concluded that extreme weather will make the original date of the event too dangerous. Blizzards are not friendly! Sunny skies are more to our liking:

Everyone who has registered is being notified that the rescheduled date will be Sunday, February 13, 1:00 PM.
All existing registrants will remain enrolled in the tournament unless they indicate their inability to attend on the new date. For anyone interested in participating, there will likely be spots available for your team! Just contact Susan Medeiros at or give her a call at (603) 706-0375. And, see you on the lake!


PLIA Volunteers – Defenders of the Lake

On Sunday, September 26, the PLIA celebrated the accomplishments of its volunteers at a cookout held at the Pawtuckaway State Park Pavilion. We are grateful to Park officials for making the Pavilion available for this event – a beautiful setting, a beautiful day, with beautiful people! Last year, COVID concerns prevented us from holding this annual celebration. That made us doubly lucky that we could gather once again in person to thank the folks who actually bring the PLIA’s mission to life.

As the saying goes, volunteers are unpaid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless! For the PLIA, the important job of keeping the lake healthy and safe would be impossible without our tireless, and yes – enthusiastic – volunteers. Below are some of the things they do:

  • Educate boaters about the dangers of aquatic invasive species and how to prevent their spread, thenperform courtesy boat and trailer inspections
  • Search the lake all season for evidence of invasives like purple loosestrife, phragmites, variable milfoil, and Chinese mystery snails
  • Mark plants that are located and remove them; with Chinese mystery snails, extract them immediately
  • Take water samples from the lake and tributaries for analysis in the State’s DES labs
  • Pick up trash along a local roadside strip three times a year
  • Monitor lake islands to prevent fires and keep them free of litter throughout the season
  • Collaborate with government and conservation agencies to promote these efforts
  • Inform the public about best practices for maintaining a healthy lake for recreational use and the benefit of wildlife

Anyone can be a volunteer, in whatever capacity and however your schedule permits! If you would like to join this merry band, please contact our President Steve Soreff at; 603 895-6120 (H) or 603 568-3202(C). We hope to post photos of you at the cookout next year. And meanwhile, see you on the lake!


Membership Online is Easy and Convenient

You don’t need to cut a coupon, write a check, or use snail mail.
The PLIA wants to make it as convenient as possible for folks who love Pawtuckaway Lake and support our organization to become or remain members.
Just go to Membership on our website and click on the DONATE icon that will take you to our payment site. You can choose the “friends and family” option with your PayPal account or use a credit card if you prefer.
We thank you, Pawtuckaway Lake thanks you!

Fall Drawdown is Announced

Boating season always seems too short, but it is time to start thinking about the lowering of the lake this fall!

According to C. Wayne Ives, P.G., Hydrogeologist, NH Department of Environmental Services, the Dam Bureau has sent out the planned drawdown dates on its website and as a press release:

As usual, the Pawtuckaway Lake drawdown is scheduled to begin on Columbus Day, October 11.

The fall drawdown plan is still to release 70 percent of the water from Drowns Dam and 30 percent from Dolloff over the

Alewife release over Dolloff dam

fall and winter. Releasing water mainly from Drowns is part of the plan for exporting more phosphorus from the lake, especially during mid to late November into early December when phosphorus spikes have occurred at Drowns in the past. However, over a short period, we will still be letting the alewives out first by starting the drawdown from Dolloff before that period of higher phosphorus occurs. This is because the alewives will go over the dam at Dolloff (in photo above), but do not go under the Drowns gate. Dolloff needs to be opened by itself because when both dams are open, the alewives are more attracted to the larger flows at Drowns, but they can’t get out there. So to accomplish both goals of exporting phosphorus and alewives, we will again start releasing from Dolloff for the alewives, then, after a week or so, will open both dams at the 70/30 flow rates for the phosphorus export.

Drowns dam

Wayne is still trying to get the Drowns gate replaced with one that would pass alewives. Then there would be no need to start the drawdown at Dolloff.

So, make your plans now for end-of-summer boating and get ready for taking your boat out this fall!

And meanwhile, see you on the lake!

There is Still Time to Sign Up for Paddle Poker!

Fundraiser for the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association. Proceeds all go towards efforts to keep Pawtuckaway Lake clean and free of invasive species and to educate the public about lake ecology and safe recreation.

Saturday August 28, 2021  2:00 to 5:00 pm

Rain date: Sunday August 29 – only in the event of thunder and lightning

Entry Fee: $25 per person. Play an additional hand for $20.

Raffle tickets: 3 for $10. Need not be present to win.

Prizes: top 3 hands ($150, $100, $50) and lowest hand ($50)

Perks for participants include:

  • Refreshments at every stop.
  • Drinks and refreshments at the after-party.
  • Discount coupon at Mountain Road Trading Post.
  • One raffle ticket.


Bring cash!

There are at-event opportunities to spend money on raffle tickets and ways to improve your poker hand.

Event description

At 2:00 pm paddlers start arriving at any of the five card-pickup stations on Pawtuckaway Lake. Over the next two hours, paddlers make their way to all five stations, picking up a playing card at each station. Refreshments will be served at each station.

After a paddler has picked up all five cards they paddle to the house of Barb and Less Thompson for the after-party where drinks and more refreshments will be provided. Poker hands will be compared and prizes awarded.


Paddlers using any type of human-propelled boat are eligible.

Don’t want to paddle?

For an extra fee of $10 ($35 total) you can participate via our limousine service. A pontoon boat will chauffeur you from your location on Pawtuckaway Lake to participate in the event and take you home afterwards. Contact Barb Thompson at or 707-888-5103 to arrange your pickup location.

Want to improve your chances of winning?

For $20 more you can play 2 hands.

Before poker hands are compared, participants will have an opportunity to buy an extra card for $10 to improve their hands.

At the after-party there will also be a raffle. Every entrant gets 1 raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets are available for 3 for $10.

Raffle Prizes

Every paddler gets 1 raffle ticket. Additional tickets may be purchased for 3 for $10. Need not be present to win. Raffle tickets can be placed in the 3 following categories:

  • Group #1: Mountain Road Trading Post merchandise: 2 gift boxes (worth $125 each) from our sponsor.
  • Group #2: Susan Medeiros’s framed artwork – 2 original framed prints from Pawtuckaway Lake’s premier resident wildlife photographer.
  • Group #3: 2 Bruins tickets to a weekday game from RolleyHolers Bagels of Exeter, gift basket of fresh produce and baked goods, $50 Mountain Road Trading Post gift certificate, and $5 Beach Plum gift certificates.

Thanks to our sponsor: Mountain Road Trading Post, Pawtuckaway’s go-to place for new and used kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, outdoor accessories, wildlife photography, and gifts.

Keep your scorecard for discounts at Mountain Road Trading Post!

  • 10% off Old Town Predator 13 kayaks (expires 9/30/21)
  • Off-season kayak rigging service (30% off, 3 hour minimum, expires 9/30/21)
  • Pontoon pull and transport (local) $200 for prepaid commitment by Sept 30 ($250 after)
  • Early bird access (8/27 to 9/3) to end-of-season clearance sale (9/4 to 9/12)
  • Buy one gift box, get second one and third one free (box only, not merchandise in it, $25 minimum, must be purchased on the same visit).
  • 10% off YakPower accessories (expires 9/30/21)
  • 20% off all Thermacell products (keep mosquitoes away)

How to Enter

  • PayPal: Sign in to PayPal, choose send money to friends & family, and send registration fee to In the notes section, add Poker Paddle and your email address so we can send you the details and map.
  • Venmo: send money to @barb-thompson-1 Include your email address in the notes section.
  • Mail a check made out to PLIA to: Barb Thompson, 38 Lamprey Drive, Nottingham, NH 03290 and include your email address

Checks must be postmarked by August 21, and PayPal and Venmo entries received, by August 26th.

Route map for 2021 Pawtuckaway Paddle Poker

Paddle Poker Benefit Tournament




Gather your neighbors and friends for a FUNdraiser for the PLIA.

Only available to the first 100 entries, so register now!

Event is sponsored by the Mountain Road Trading Post – A big thank you to MRTP!

Date:  Saturday, August 28, 2-5pm

(Rain date of Sunday, only in the event of thunder and lightning)

Location: On the lake! Course map to be provided upon receipt of entry fee

Entry fee: $25 per paddler

 Kayak, Canoe, Paddleboard eligible

New for 2021!

  • Pontoon Limo option ($35) for those who want to ride in style rather than paddle! Contact Barb Thompson at or 707-888-5103.
  • Paddle Poker PLUS membership: Not a PLIA member yet? Add $10 or more to your registration fee to become a member
  • Want an extra poker hand? Only $20 for the second hand

Details: Participants will visit 5 locations on the lake (a combination of docks and boats) to pick up a playing card and enjoy a drink/snack. Once all 5 playing cards have been collected and recorded on your scorecard, you’ll proceed to the final location for the after-party and prizes for the top 3 hands ($150, $100, $50) and the lowest hand ($50).

Your entry fee includes one raffle ticket for amazing prizes such as framed original wildlife prints, basket of fresh produce and baked goods, Mountain Road Trading Post gift certificate & merchandise, Bruins tickets and more. Extra raffle tickets: 3 for $10. Keep your scorecard and use it for generous specials at the Mountain Road Trading Post.  See Page 2 for details

To Enter:

  • PayPal: Sign in to PayPal, choose send money to friends & family, and send registration fee to In the notes section, add Poker Paddle and your email address so we can send you the details and map.
  • Venmo: @barb-thompson-1   Include your email address in the notes section
  • Mail a check made out to PLIA to: Barb Thompson, 38 Lamprey Drive, Nottingham, NH 03290 and include your email address

Checks must be postmarked, and PayPal and Venmo entries received, by August 21st

Raffle Prizes

Raffle tickets 3 for $10 ● Need not be present to win

Raffle tickets can be placed in the 3 following categories:

Group #1:  Mountain Road Trading Post Merchandise:  2 Gift boxes (worth $125 each) from our Sponsor and local purveyor of new and used kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, outdoor accessories, wildlife photography and gifts

Group #2:  Susan Medeiros Framed Artwork – 2 original framed prints from our resident wildlife photographer

Group #3:  2 Bruins tickets to a weekday game from RolleyHolers Bagels of Exeter, gift basket of fresh produce and baked goods, $50 MRTP gift certificate, and $5 Beach Plum gift certificates


Keep Your Scorecard for These Valuable Discounts at the Trading Post!

10% off Old Town Predator 13 kayaks (expires 9/30/21)

Off-season kayak rigging service (30% off, 3 hour minimum, expires 9/30/21)

Pontoon Pull and Transport (local) $200 for Prepaid Commitment by Sept 30 ($250 after)

Early Bird Access (8/27 to 9/3) to End of Season Clearance Sale (9/4 to 9/12) – Must Present Coupon / Select Categories

Buy One Gift Box, Get Second One and Third One Free (box only, not merchandise in it, $25 minimum, must be purchased on the same visit).

10% off YakPower accessories (expires 9/30/21)

20% off all Thermacell products (keep mosquitoes away)