In a new location and on an earlier date, the Annual Meeting of the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association was well attended this year, with about 70 participants.
President John Decker presided over the business meeting, in which a new Board member, Susan Hayes, was elected and five other Board members whose terms were expiring were elected for another two years. The Board of Directors’ proposal to amend the Bylaws in order to change the membership year from June 1 – May 31 to January 1 – December 31 was also approved unanimously.
Treasurer Ed Kotowski presented the year-end Financial Report and Dee Decker gave the Membership Report, explaining that less than half the households on and around the lake are members and urging those present to encourage neighbors and friends to join the PLIA.
John Decker summarized the milfoil situation to date and all the efforts last year to locate, prevent the spread, and remove it from the South Channel. Boaters who avoided the South Channel last season were commended for their cooperation. Milfoil was not detected as of last fall, but it is a stubborn adversary and may reappear this year. Weed Watcher Neil Santos described the work of his snorkel team to regularly patrol the South Channel searching for and marking any new growths for removal by the DES divers. Vice President Tom Duffy invited anyone who is a PADI certified diver to join Neil’s team in locating (but not removing!) milfoil. Divers with open water certification may take the milfoil removal training offered by the State, with the possibility of scheduling a locally conducted course.
In response to a question from a member about closing the South Channel to boat traffic, John Decker advised that we don’t have the authority to take such action and the State
has not determined that the infestation is severe or widespread enough for such a measure.
Lake Host Coordinator Dee Decker reported on the activities of that Program last year and summarized the changes coming this year. A “Pull Your Plug” theme will be emphasized in the new campaign of Clean, Drain, and Dry your boating equipment. The State is very invested in this Program and a valuable partner in our efforts to prevent and control invasive species in Pawtuckaway. A new law was passed in NH that prohibits the transport of invasive species—whether knowingly or not—on boating equipment, and which carries fines and penalties.
Weed Watcher Co-Chair Steve Soreff urged members to keep their eyes open for invasive weeds whenever they are out on the lake. He reminded members that it was one of our Weed Watchers who initially detected the first growths of milfoil in 2015.
John Decker announced the development of a PLIA Facebook group for members only. Look for coming announcements! He reminded everyone present to be good lake stewards, help clean up debris, and avoid water balloons on the lake. Give a hoot; don’t pollute.
Tom Duffy conducted a Milfoil Challenge to test the knowledge of PLIA members, and was pleasantly surprised that most knew a lot about this invasive weed and how best to control it. Everyone deserved a prize!
You can look at the power point slides presented to members at the meeting here: PLIA Annual 2017.ppsx
Following the business portion of the meeting, members broke into small discussion groups led by Paul Miliotis (winged wildlife on Pawtuckaway), Tom Duffy (developing your property—Shoreland Protection truth and fiction), Dee Decker (Clean, Drain, Dry and the Lake Host Program), and Steve Soreff (history of Pawtuckaway Lake and the State Park).