Volunteer Neil Santos created a milfoil snorkel patrol a couple of years ago in response to the variable milfoil infestation on Pawtuckaway Lake. Since then, for his work he has received the Cox Conserves Hero Award and his team has grown to include a certified milfoil SCUBA diver, volunteer Tim Roos.
Because the work of this team has developed a very specific purpose and its focus remains on milfoil, Neil’s mission has expanded beyond weed watching.

For that reason, the PLIA decided to create a separate program, emerging from our Weed Watcher Program, called the Milfoil Management Program. Neil, naturally, is its Chair and will conduct operations. From time to time he will provide updates on the progress of his program’s search, mark, and destroy objectives. Here’s his latest report:
Mid-Summer Milfoil Update. As most of you probably know, we have had variable milfoil in the South Channel for the past three years. This year we have continued to find it in the same general areas of the South Channel. The plants have, in general, been smaller than in past years and most are probably regrowths from previous plants that were not totally eradicated. It is very tough to get all the roots so the plants do not regrow. The good news is that none have been close enough to the surface to be fragmented by props or other surface disturbances and all have been removed by our newly certified milfoil diver, Tim Roos.
The unfortunate news is that a lake resident, Shane Pelletier, noticed milfoil growing in Goves Cove, near the dike. That plant was probably a couple of years old but has now been removed. It is probably the result of milfoil carried there by a boat prop or fishing tackle. No other plants have been found in Goves Cove but we will be keeping an eye on that area.
The Milfoil Team is continuing to search primarily in the South Channel for additional milfoil. We encourage everyone to keep an eye out as you use the lake and contact* me or Steve Soreff if you see
anything unusual.– Neil Santos
* Neil: 603 437-8468, email neilsantos@comcast.net
* Steve: 603 895-6120, 603 568-3202 email soreffs15@aol.com
* Steve: 603 895-6120, 603 568-3202 email soreffs15@aol.com