July 25, 2020 9:30 AM
Wondering what the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association does for Pawtuckaway Lake?
Join us for our Annual Meeting and find out!

We care about the health and safety of our members as much as we care about the health and safety of Pawtuckaway Lake. So In recognition of the restrictions imposed on all of us by the coronavirus epidemic, we have planned our Annual Meeting to be enjoyed from the comfort and safety of your homes, or wherever you have access to a computer, smart phone, or tablet.

We will be offering video clips and presentations about our work. There’s a lot to share about what we are doing and what we have planned for the coming year, so PLEASE JOIN US!
Date: July 25, 2020
Time: 9:30 AM
Where: The comfort of your home
How: By clicking on this link
1. Election of PLIA Board
2. Committee Reports
a. Membership
b. Treasurer
c. Water Testing
d. Lake Hosts
e. Weed Watchers
f. Milfoil Management
g. Fund Raising/Grants
h. Government Relations
3. Local Hero Award
4. Fourth of July Boat Parade
5. Questions & Answers
6. Closing
Will you be reviewing a summary of the Association’s financial reports at the annual meeting? If so, is it possible to get a copy of the document beforehand?
Hi, Bill;
I will forward your question to our President and Treasurer. We will be presenting a financial report with budget for next year at the Annual Meeting. There will be opportunities to ask questions or make comments via “chat” during the course of the meeting, and at the end those questions and comments will be answered or addressed.
Here is the Agenda:
1. Election of PLIA Board
2. Committee Reports
a. Membership
b. Treasurer
c. Water Testing
d. Lake Hosts
e. Weed Watchers
f. Milfoil Management
g. Fund Raising/Grants
h. Government Relations
3. Local Hero Award
4. Fourth of July Boat Parade
5. Questions & Answers
6. Closing
Pam Kelly
Hi, again, Bill; Our Treasurer says he’s still finalizing the slides for his presentation on Saturday at Annual Meeting. He believes he can provide as much detail as you need if the presentation or Q & A session doesn’t give you complete answers.
Hope this helps!
Pam Kelly
Thank you, Pam. I dropped off during the “technical difficulties.” Were you able to recover or did you need to reschedule?
Hi, Bill;
I’m afraid that troll caught us unprepared. He was a nasty one! We were able to start the meeting up again, although some folks reported that they couldn’t log in for the restart. We plan to find a way to post the videos and power points that were presented at the meeting on the website and other social media so everyone can “tune in”. We learned a hard lesson!
Thanks; Pam
Morning Bill, I will have the recordings posted shortly I hope, in the meantime I have sent you the recorded copy of the treasurers report via my personal email.
Chris Fortin