The Cox Conserves Heroes Award, in recognition of the volunteer work that Neil Santos has been doing to search for variable milfoil in Pawtuckaway Lake, has already benefitted the PLIA with a $5,000 grant. This is your chance to vote for Neil and increase the chances of an additional $5,000 award if he gets more votes than the other two finalists in this program.

Please act now to register you vote at this website. Click on the VOTE button under Neil’s picture that links to the form for voting. Tell your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about this wonderful opportunity to fund milfoil control activities on Pawtuckaway and to preserve it for recreational enjoyment and wildlife habitat in many years to come.

Voting ends on September 25th, so don’t put off this important and beneficial chance to speak up for conservation. Your vote counts!

The PLIA thanks you and Pawtuckaway Lake thanks you!



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