On April 3, 2022, at the Town of Nottingham Community Center, the PLIA held
an Aquatic Invasive Species Training. They called in experts and tapped their Program Chairs to offer free Community Workshops to anyone in Nottingham interested in protecting a local water body from invasive species. For those who were unable to attend or attendees who wish to review some of the materials presented, there are links in the article below to each Power Point presentation.
First: Member Therese Thompson provided instruction on identifying aquatic invasive species in or around a lake or pond. Her lecture was very comprehensive, covering both native and non-native plants. It included pointers on how to recognize and distinguish between both, which can sometime be a difficult challenge. She highlighted the invasive plants that have been found in and around Pawtuckaway. In particular, she urges everyone to pay special attention to the last slide in her show, that has links to resources to help with identifications: Aquatic Invasives
Next: Lake Host Coordinator Dee Decker
explained NH LAKES’ Lake Host Program and the PLIA’s participation in it. Her presentation included instruction on inspecting boats and trailers to detect invasive “hitchhikers” before they enter a water body, plus how to clean, drain, and dry watercraft to avoid the spread of these invaders. When the gathering moved outside, Lake Host Manager Mary
Hervey assisted Dee to demonstrate actual boat and trailer inspection protocols. They also offered advice about courtesy, efficiency, and education when talking to boaters about these inspections: Lake Host
Then: Milfoil Team Chair Neil Santos demonstrated how milfoil has spread in
Pawtuckaway Lake since 2015. He explained why a milfoil infestation is harmful and how his team searches for and removes this weed, one of the most pervasive of the invasives. He reminded people to contact him, Dee Decker, or Steve Soreff if they saw a suspicious growth so it could be located and identified. There are two Power Point presentations that illustrate his talk: Milfoil Procedures and PLIA Milfoil Team
Finally: Chair Pete Wawrzonek introduced the PLIA’s Road Representative (or “Road Rep”) Program that enables residents and members to learn about the organization and its activities and encourages newcomers to join: Road Reps
Last but not Least: Attendees enjoyed a complimentary pizza lunch and a selection of free T-shirts to take home.
We have learned much over the years with our experience on Pawtuckaway and are happy to share it with the entire community.