New Fundraising Opportunity for the PLIA

The polls open early this year–7:00 AM! Both poll workers and the public will welcome refreshments throughout the long day.
We would like to offer food and snacks to the folks working at the polls as well the voting public on Nottingham election day, March 10, 2020. The polls are open from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM.
To do this, we need volunteers willing to help coordinate a “food bank” for donations of baked goods, sandwiches, and crock pots with soups, stews, casseroles, and chilis to have for sale while the polls are open. You can bring your donation with you when you come to vote! We are also looking for volunteers to take a shift overseeing the food tables during the day.
We would love to hear from those of you willing to help with the coordinating, but also those able to donate sandwiches, baked goods, or crock pot dishes. This is a new venture for the PLIA but we hope it will be a successful one, and a chance to let the general public know who we are and what we do!
Please email with your name, contact information, and message with how you can help. Thanks!