Cyanobacteria Problem on Lake Kanasatka

Lake Kanasatka, in Moultonborough, has had a serious issues with phosphorous loading and the resulting cyanobacteria blooms for several years. In 2023, for example, a cyanobacteria warning was issued by the state that lasted from late summer through the fall, 121 days in total.

The following articles detail the issues facing that lake and the costly solution to solution to that problem.  (Ed Note: Even with this treatment, Kanasatka continued to have cyanobacteria blooms last year, although with a much diminished duration.)



Restoring Lake Kanasatka FAQ Bulletin

Lake Kanasatka Alum FAQ

Alum Treatment on Lake Kanasatka has successfully eliminated Cyanobacteria Blooms

Lake Kanasatka Feted for Reversing Cyanobacteria


Enfield Adopts New Septic Rules for Waterfront Property

The Enfield NH Selectboard recently adopted new septic regulations for waterfront property in the town that require septic inspections every six years and pump-out every three years to reduce the inflow of phosporous into the town’s waterbodies.

Enfield Septic Rules for Waterfront Property

Understanding Warrant Article 18


The Town will be asking for a loan from the State to fund a watershed study for Pawtuckaway Lake but the loan principal will be forgiven when the watershed study is finished so the Town will not owe any money. All the interest that accrues during the term of the loan will be paid for by the PLIA.

Read the following paragraphs for additional information.

What Does it Mean?

The Warrant Article, if passed, allows the Town to apply for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan. The funds will ultimately be used to pay for an updated watershed plan for Pawtuckaway Lake. Even though the loan, if granted, will have the principal ultimately forgiven, state law requires that the Town must have the authority and ability to repay as if the loan were not going to be repaid. That is the reason why the Warrant Article mentions that the Town would be authorized to issue bonds to repay the principal of the loan even though it would not be needed in this case. The Warrant Article also states that the PLIA will pay any and all interest on the loan. It is estimated that the total interest would be around $1500-$2000. It also mentions, in addition to doing the watershed plan, the possibility of doing some mitigation actions. If done, these would be quite small activities, more in the nature of feasibility studies than the relatively major mitigation activities that might be specified in the watershed plan.

What is it For?

The PLIA would like to update our watershed plan which was last updated in 2008. While a watershed plan has many parts, in essence its purpose is to determine the factors which affect the health of a water body and recommend mitigation actions to improve it. While we have several reasons for wanting this update, the primary reason is to determine the factors which are leading to an increasing level of phosphrous in our lake. While any excess nutrients in the lake are a problem, phosphorous in particular, can lead to bigger and more frequent cyanobacteria blooms. We had two such blooms last summer leading to recommendations to stay out of the lake for periods of time since they can cause serious illness and possibly even death. With an updated plan we can understand the most effective mitigation actions and actually get a start on the major mitigation work.

Why a Loan?

Developing watershed plans is a complex activity and requires hiring experts to do the work in conjunction with information from local residents. The cost to update our plan is estimated to be between 65K and 100K. We hope to get the necessary funding from a federal program, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), which is administered separately by each state. In NH these loans have to be given to a town rather than a lake association or other non-governmental body.

How Does it Work?

As stated above, the way NH administers the program is to provide the loan to towns. These loans are like lines of credit in that interest accrues only as the money is requested by the town. When the purpose for the loan, namely an updated watershed plan, is complete, the Town informs the State that the loan should be closed. Having fulfilled the loan purpose, the State then forgives the principal. The net result is that the only thing that is owed to the State is the interest on the loan.


The Town will be asking for the money directly but the PLIA in consultation with the Town will engage a consultant to actually perform the work. The key here is that the Town is required by the terms of the loan program to be the middle man but the Town incurs no financial obligation other than a tiny amount of administrative work. Of course, none of this is a guarantee that we will qualify for the loan even if approved by the town voters. If the Warrant Article is approved, we will work with the Town to provide a pre-application to the State by May 31st. After a vetting process to determine loan candidates, the actual loan applications are due in the fall.

PLIA Seeks Grant to Reduce Cyanobacteria Threat to Lake

Cynaobacteria blooms are increasing in many New Hampshire lakes and our lake is no exception.  Last  year we had at least two such blooms that were verified by NH DES, one almost impacting the busy July 4th week.  In 2023,  Lake Kanasatka had a bloom that lasted 121 days, effectively shutting down lake activities for most of the summer and into the fall. Cyanobacteria can cause serious health issues and even deaths in rare cases. They are caused by several factors, most notably increasing phosphorous levels and rising average lake temperatures due to climate change.  Phosphorous enters the lake primarily from water runoff from the land. This phosphorus loading is increased by actions such as fertilizing lawns, cutting down shoreland vegetation, using impervious surface materials, and not controlling erosion.

The PLIA is concerned about the increasing phosphorous levels in the lake and is working with DES, state and town officials to apply for grants to update our watershed plan. Our most recent plan was developed in 2008 and there have been many changes to the lake since then. The PLIA applied for a so-called “604B” grant last fall but we were not successful. This spring we intend to apply for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund grant from NH DES.  If we do get the grant, we plan to engage a contractor to update our watershed plan. The plan will cost around $70K and will take at least a year to produce.  With a new plan in hand, we will be able to request additional grants to perform mitigation projects to reduce incoming phosphorous and, we hope, lessen the potential for future cyanobacteria blooms.

All lake resident can also help in this effort by reducing property runoff, eliminating the use of fertilizers, making sure their septic tanks are functioning well, and protecting shoreline vegetation.

Road Crew Magic Makes Litter Vanish

Roadside trash was no match for our intrepid volunteers who heeded the call for a Sunday morning clean up. This time they covered a much longer than usual section of Route 156 armed with reflective vests, garbage bags, and steely determination.

Our Road Clean Up captains were there early to set up warning signs and greet volunteers

They came in cars, on bikes, and on foot, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead. They assembled to receive their assigned road sections, then fanned out to cover all the designated territory. Spirits were high and there was plenty of good cheer to go around.

You never know what might greet you on the side of the road, but not everything needs to be gathered up and bagged!

Cans were separated for recycling and the odd tire and upholstered chair were added to the pile of other bags. All in all, it was a very satisfying haul!






A big thank you to everyone who turned out for this event! You are what makes the PLIA a success!


The people who volunteer their time and energy to fulfill the mission of the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association are worth their weight in gold. To thank them for their invaluable service, a cookout was held in their honor at the State Park Pavilion on Sunday September 22. Thankfully, the weather cooperated to welcome them to the event.

Our volunteers work as Lake Hosts, milfoil divers and support kayakers, weed watchers, road litter collectors, fundraisers, island adopters, public outreach organizers, and neighborhood road representatives. The work of the PLIA is widespread and time-consuming, and these folks make it happen!

So if you see a volunteer on the lake performing any of these activities, give them a big thank you!



How to Spot and Report a Suspected Cyanobacteria Bloom

What you’re seeing may be ordinary pond-scum green algae that rises to the surface when the lake “turns over”. Or it may be something else! Like cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to people and pets. NH LAKES has put together – in collaboration with NH DES – a flyer that helps lake dwellers or visitors identify possible blooms of cyanobacteria:

If you do suspect a cyanobacteria bloom, PLEASE report it to NHDES online, at:

And meanwhile, you are encouraged to download and print – or save electronically – this helpful and informative fact sheet:

Remember, not all cyanobacteria blooms are harmful, but when in doubt, stay out!d


Fifth Annual PLIA Paddle Poker Tournament

Mother Nature outdid herself and participants took advantage of the sunny, blue skies as they paddled to five different stations around the lake on Saturday, September 14. At each station they were greeted by hosts on a dock or beach or even pontoon boat with refreshments and a playing card to add to their growing poker hand. Some groaned at their bad luck while others exulted in their good fortune. Since there would be prizes for both best and worst hands, the tension built with every card selected.

After all stations had been visited, paddlers beached their watercraft at the last stop, where they could compare their hands with others, buy additional cards, choose where to deposit their raffle tickets, and generally socialize while enjoying an array of snacks.

Organizer Shelly Heit welcomed the crowd and thanked the event sponsor Mountain Road Trading Post. She then introduced the station hosts:  Mark and Michele Lefebvre, Bob and Karen Given, Catherine and Roger Frieden, Bill and Ann Noeth, Sue and Mike Herron, and Barb Thompson. She also acknowledged the wide array of raffle prize donors, the biggest number in the Tournament’s history.



Milfoil Dive Coordinator Bob Given gave a brief talk on the status of milfoil in the lake with a summary of recent finds and extractions. Since extensive eradication efforts last summer paid for by a grant from NHDES, milfoil infestations have been drastically reduced. This plant is persistent, however. He stressed the need for more volunteer search divers to look for milfoil plants and explained the process. He also urged volunteers to consider becoming certified as Weed Control Divers.

Next it was time for Mark Lefebvre to announce the results of the poker tournament. The three winners of high-scoring poker hands were (1) Mary Beeman, (2) Mitch Hale, and (3) Mark Wageling. Lowest hand was held by Tom Duffy, who gamely accepted his consolation prize.






Then it was time to pick raffle tickets, with several prizes going to the same family, but most going to an assortment of very happy winners. There were smiles all around as people made their way back home after a delightful afternoon of good company, fun, and games. And most important, the PLIA was a winner with $2,000 raised from the event.



Fifth Annual Paddle Poker Tournament

Sponsored by the Mountain Road Trading Post

FUNdraiser for the Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association:


Date:  Saturday, Sept 14, 2-4 pm, followed by the after-party

(Rain date of Sept 15, only in the event of thunder and lightning)

Location: On Pawtuckaway Lake! Course map provided upon receipt of entry fee

Entry fee: $25 per paddler

Kayak, Canoe, Paddleboard eligible

Details: Participants will visit 5 locations on the lake (a combination of docks and pontoon boats) to choose a playing card and enjoy a drink/snack. Once all 5 playing cards have been collected, you’ll proceed to the final location for the after-party and prizes for the top 3 hands ($150, $100, $50) and the lowest hand ($50). Can’t make it to all 5 stations by 4pm? Don’t worry – choose the missing cards at the after-party!

Your entry fee includes one raffle ticket for amazing prizes such as a framed original wildlife print, basket of fresh produce and baked goods, and Gift Boxes from MRTP. Extra raffle tickets available for purchase!  Keep your scorecard and use it for generous specials at the Mountain Road Trading Post (see page 2).

Special Offers:

  • Paddle Poker PLUS membership: Not a PLIA member yet? Add $25 or more to your registration fee to become a member
  • Want to improve your chances? Register for a second hand for only $20 (or buy it at the party), or buy an extra card for $10 at the party
  • Want to participate but don’t want to paddle? Register to play, then come to the party at 4 pm and get your poker hand there (38 Lamprey Drive)!

To Enter, use one of the following:

Snail mail checks must be postmarked by Sept 6th and Zeffy entries received by Sept 12

Just want raffle tickets?

Go to

or scan the QR code above.   Then email Michele Lefebvre at and she will share the details of the raffle options with you and place your raffle tickets according to your choices.

Raffle Prizes

Raffle tickets: $5 each, 3 for $10 or 10 for $20.  You need not be present to win

These are only some of the raffle baskets this year:

Two fantastic baskets from our sponsor, Mountain Road Trading Post, including a variety of lake themed merchandise and other outdoor gear. Thank you Troy and Krista Brown!

Beautiful basket with fresh veggies and scrumptious baked goods. A big hit every year from the Lefebvres

Gorgeous custom watercolor painting of your home or pet.

Deluxe assortment of pasta, pesto, olive oil, cheese, tea, towels and more Thanks to Linda Snyder

Unique garden ornament/birdbath with imprint of rhubarb leaf, lots of creative uses. Thanks Tracy Bond

Incredible framed photograph of loon and chicks from our resident wildlife photographer Susan Medeiros

$100 to Tuckaway Tavern

Whippin Good ice cream basket from Rani Merryman

Inspired Yoga and Health yoga classes from Molly Thomas



Feel free to share with your friends and family.  All of our kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards are 10-40% off.  Over half our inventory is 25-40% off.  Save a lot of money and help us clear inventory.  We have paddle, pedal, and powered kayaks.  Sit-on-tops, Sit-ins, and Sit-ups.  Singles and tandems.  Recreational, fishing, and touring. Lightweight models too.   A few used, mostly new.  We are now a Thule dealer too!  10% off other items.   Expires 12/31/24.  Existing inventory only.

See you on Sept 14th!