Help us kick off the summer at the State Park Pavilion. Once again Pawtuckaway State Park has graciously donated the use of its Pavilion for our annual assembly of members and friends. Entry to the Park is free. Together we will review our work from last year and plan what’s ahead for this year.
Our speaker will make a presentation on the theme of this year’s gathering – ‘Pawtuckaway Lake as an Ecosystem’; what does it mean and how can we enjoy the lake while preserving it for future generations?
Where: Pawtuckaway State Park Pavilion
When: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time: 9:30 for Registration and Refreshments
The map below shows the State Park and the Pavilion. The sign at the intersection of Route 156 and Mountain Road indicates that the State Park entrance is two miles down Mountain Road. Drive into the Park to the entry booth and let the Park staff know you are going to the PLIA Annual Meeting at the Pavilion. Entrance will be free of charge. Continue down the Park road 1.35 miles until you see a sign for the Annual Meeting to the right, then take your next left into the Pavilion parking lot. And welcome!
Did you know that lead poisoning resulting from the ingestion of lead fishing tackle is the number one cause of documented adult loon mortality in New Hampshire? Since 1989, 176 adult New Hampshire loons have died after ingesting lead tackle. This represents 38% of the documented adult loon mortalities in the state. As fish-eating birds, there are many ways that loons may ingest tackle. According to the Loon Preservation Committee, the most common ways are: consuming a fish that has broken an angler’s line, striking at a fish being reeled past them in the water, or even striking at the piece of tackle itself as it is reeled in (mistaking the shiny, moving object for a small fish). Because loons are most often dying of lead poisoning after ingesting lead tackle that is in active use, there is an easy way to prevent unnecessary loon deaths: ending the use of lead fishing tackle in our lakes.
Do you have an old tackle box that you haven’t looked through in a while? Please take a moment this summer to look through it and remove any lead tackle. If you find lead tackle, you can exchange it for a $10 voucher at a store participating in the Loon Preservation Committee’s Lead Tackle Buyback Program. A list of these stores can be found at Not sure if your tackle is made of lead? You can differentiate lead tackle with a few easy tests:
1) If the tackle is unpainted, rub it against a piece of paper. Lead will leave a gray streak behind.
2) Lead is a soft metal. If you can scratch or dent a piece of tackle with your fingernail or a pair of pliers, it is likely made of lead.
3) Date and location of purchase: If your tackle was purchased in New Hampshire prior to the year 2000, it is highly likely to contain lead. Jigs purchased in New Hampshire between 2000-2016 are moderately likely to contain lead. Tackle purchased outside of New Hampshire is more likely to contain lead because New Hampshire has the strictest lead tackle laws in the nation.
Recently the PLIA arranged for an expert on invasive species in NH lakes to give a presentation on the topic. It was aired on Zoom and we captured a recording so that everyone can access it at a time convenient for them.
Amy Smagula, Chief Limnologist at NH DES, created a slide show to address the kinds of invasive weeds commonly found in New Hampshire lakes. This was designed to train people interested in becoming Weed Watchers on our lake, or any other NH lake, for that matter.
Anyone can spend some time enjoying a paddle around the lake while incidentally being on the lookout for invasive plants or animals. This work is actually fun! To find out how you can help search for these pests in and around Pawtuckaway, contact our Weed Watcher Co-Chair, Steve Soreff:
The PLIA publishes an annual spring newsletter called PawPrints and mails it to members and households around the lake. This year it is centered on a theme that will be explored by a speaker at the Annual Meeting on June 8, 2024: Pawtuckaway Lake as an ecosystem.
There is nothing more fun than gathering around a campfire to roast marshmallows or warming your face and hands before a roaring bonfire. The Nottingham Fire Department would like to ask you about some important safety regulations before you start:
Did you know?
You cannot light a fire before 5:00 PM unless it is a small container fire
You must have a fire burning permit to have a fire
You should call the Fire Department before kindling your fire to check conditions
It is altogether illegal to light a fire on the frozen lake
These rules have been developed over time to set standards for the safe enjoyment of fires, whether for recreation or disposing of small brush and yard debris.
PLIA member Mary Colvard recently interviewed Nottingham Fire Department deputies and discovered a wealth of information that is worth passing along. Many people are in fact unaware of these regulations. Thanks for the heads up, Mary!
First, a permit to kindle a fire is always needed except when the area within a 100-foot radius from the edge of the fire is covered with at least an inch of snow or other frozen precipitation to prevent the combustion of woodland fuels.
Second, you can obtain a permit at the Nottingham Fire Station (free) or complete one online ($6.00) at When applying, you will need to indicate what category fire you want the permit for.
Third, there are three categories of fires and permits:
Category I: small, controlled fire such as a camp or cooking fire no greater than 2 feet in diameter. It needs to be contained within a ring of fire-resistant material or a portable fireplace and located at least 25 feet from structures. Fire conditions permitting, a Category I fire can be kindled with a permitany time of day.
Category II: controlled fire no larger than 4 feet in diameter contained within a ring of fire-resistant material or a portable fireplace and located at least 50 feet from structures. These fires may be kindled with a permit only between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. unless it is actually raining. If the rain stops, the fire must be extinguished. (Category I and II permits are seasonal and expire on December 31st.)
Category III: any other fire that is not a Category I or II or a fire greater than 4 feet in diameter or not contained within a ring of fire-resistant material and located at least 50 feet from any structures. These fires may be kindled with a permit only between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. unless it is actually raining. (Category III permits may be issued for up to 7 days.)
That’s a lot to remember, so here’s a summary:
Permit Type
Daytime Burn Between
9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Nighttime Burn Between
5:00 p.m. & 9:00 a.m.
Category I (seasonal)
Category II (seasonal)
Only when raining
Category III (For up to 7 days)
Only when raining
Fourth, you cannot leave the fire until it is completely extinguished. A buried fire is not considered extinguished.
Finally, atno time can you burn trash, or treated, painted, stained, or manufactured wood. No brush, lumber, logs, or any other combustible material larger than 5 inches in diameter is permitted to be burned. Construction or demolition materials cannot be burned.
Got that? If not, rest assured that your Fire Department will answer any questions you may have. Just remember to call to make sure you are not planning a fire when dry or windy conditions make it illegal*, and to ascertain what kind of permit is required. If no one answers, leave a message with your name, location, and time of fire. Otherwise, a fire truck may pay a call to your property or the location of your fire. Our Fire Department wants us to be safe and they are willing to answer your questions and advise you about fire safety. Visit their website:
*You can also obtain the daily fire danger rating by calling the Division of Forests and Lands wildfire information line (toll free): 1-866-NH-FIRES (866-643-4737) or go to And it’s posted as a “gauge” on the front wall of the Nottingham Fire Department.
In a tradition started many years ago by Co-President Donna Danis, the PLIA invited all its volunteers to a cookout to thank them for their time and dedication.
On a wet Sunday afternoon – undeterred by the weather and perhaps used to it by now this summer – over 40 volunteers gathered at the State Park Pavilion to celebrate their accomplishments of the past year.
Thanks to an intense letter writing campaign promoted by the PLIA and accompanied by close monitoring of and communication with state and local officials, the planned expansion of Pawtuckaway State Park campgrounds to include 35 RV campsites with hookups along the water was abandoned.
Further, NH DES stepped up to help our Milfoil Team fight the overwhelming infestation of this invasive weed in Pawtuckaway. It launched a campaign that included surveys, education, DASH boat and crew extractions, and a targeted herbicide application. As a result, sightings of milfoil have dropped dramatically and our Milfoil Team has been able to catch its collective breath.
President Steve Soreff welcomed the crowd and listed the many activities that our volunteers have participated in throughout the year. A slide show of photos illustrated those accomplishments.
Vice-President Pete Wawrzonek thanked Secretary and Communications Director Pam Kelly for her work on most of the PLIA committees that implement the organization’s mission and for keeping the Board in line.
Jean-Ann St. Pierre guessed the correct number of ‘fish in the barrel’ and all attendees were invited to take home a floating “sound signaling device” to comply with NH Marine Patrol regulations on their power boats. A small thank you for big efforts by our outstanding volunteers! Please let them know you appreciate their work whenever you see them on the lake.
The Pawtuckaway Lake Improvement Association is pleased to announce that we will be using a new donation platform called Zeffy, effective immediately. It ensures that our organization will receive 100% of your donation without any charge or fees. One time, monthly, or annual contributions are simple to make.
For most of us, it is hard to remember whether we have renewed our membership in the PLIA, even though of course we intend to! Through Zeffy you can divide your annual donation into 12 smaller amounts and have the payments made automatically. If you prefer, an annual contribution can be made automatically on whatever date you choose and you never have to think about it again!
With Zeffy, there is no app to download, no group to join, no password to remember. Our Membership Coupon and website have a link you can use or – even better – a QR code to access the Zeffy PLIA donation page.
Earlier this summer, the PLIA initiated a letter writing campaign to let our State officials know that we had grave concerns about plans to expand the campgrounds at Pawtuckaway State Park to add 35 waterfront RV sites with water and electric hookups.
Issues were also raised about the inadequate condition of existing toilet and septic facilities at the Park.
In addition, problems of erosion at waterfront campsites have increased since the Park stopped enforcing its rule requiring campers to swim only at the Park beach.
We are pleased to announce that the NH Division of State Parks has listened to stakeholders and responded accordingly. There will be NO NEW campsites constructed at Pawtuckaway State Park.
Instead, the Division will use ARPA funds to reconstruct existing toilet buildings and create a dumping station.
Finally, they are going to review their administrative rules to examine the rules around swimming. They will also be taking an inventory of all the waterfront sites to prioritize work on the most eroded ones. There are steps that can be taken to decrease the amount of erosion occurring.
Thank you to all who answered the call and sent in emails and letters as part of our letter writing campaign! You did it!
And thank you to the Division of State Parks for being responsive to citizen concerns.
Jamie Burleigh, Weed Control Diver for the PLIA Milfoil Team, is pleased to announce that the Scouts of BSA Troop 167 are on a mission to help with Pawtuckaway Lake’s milfoil problem. With the help of Scout Master Dan DeButts and Jamie, a dive club has been formed within the troop.
To encourage more people to become stewards of the lake for milfoil control, Jamie has worked with Dan DeButts to develop a program that would enable Scouts to be trained in SCUBA diving. This will be considered community service for their requirements for advancement and a Merit badge, because the Scouts who are getting SCUBA qualified will be part of the troop’s dive club.
The plan is for Jamie to train these Scouts to search for milfoil on Pawtuckaway Lake, as organized by Dan DeButts and coordinated with the PLIA. Those Scouts who do not wish to be certified can be trained as surface support for search divers in the troop, so any Scout who wants to be involved will be able to join the club. Adults who want to dive with the Scouts will have to take Youth Protection Training and be active with the troop in some official capacity.
Jamie reports that the Scouts have now all completed the class and pool requirements. Unfortunately the weather in July has not allowed for their two open water dives to complete the training. Their plan is to get it completed the first week of August if the weather cooperates.
The aim is to instill in these Scouts a desire to help after Scouting and, Jamie hopes, be future stewards of the lake. The more mature Scouts, after at least a season of searching, can become Weed Control Divers. He will train them how to identify milfoil and how to work near it so they don’t accidentally spread it.
The PLIA applauds Jamie’s initiative and wants to assist any interested Scout in taking the SCUBA certification course, which is costly. For that reason, the PLIA Board has voted to donate $2,000, to be managed by the Scout troop and specifically assigned to pay for certification. With any luck these Scouts will become the next generation of lake stewards.
Stalwart celebrants of the July Fourth Annual Boat Parade around Pawtuckaway Lake were not deterred by the threat of rain. They decorated their boats and watercraft – and themselves – to share their festive spirit with everyone who came out.
Those who were so inclined also brought out the super soakers and blasted each other from boat to boat or defended themselves from eager participants on docks waiting in ambush!
The weather held and everyone’s creativity was on full display. Check out the photos posted in the PLIA Photo Gallery hereand see for yourselves!